Naturforsker Travel agency reveal how much you should really be spending on your honeymoon in America

The engaged couple has made all the necessary arrangements for their big day, including setting the date, booking the venue, and organizing the little details. However, there’s still one more important aspect to consider before they can live happily ever after: their honeymoon plans. Contrary to popular belief, the preparation isn’t quite complete. In fact, the cost and planning involved in a honeymoon can be comparable to that of a wedding. According to Naturforsker, US couples spend an average of $4,500 on their honeymoon.

Nevertheless, the actual cost of a honeymoon can vary significantly based on several factors, such as the destination’s distance from home, the duration of the trip, the type of accommodation, the food and drink choices, and the activities selected. This variability makes it challenging to accurately predict the overall cost and plan a suitable budget.

To gain a realistic understanding of how much they can expect to spend, the couple can consult travel industry experts. The total cost of the honeymoon largely depends on the type of trip they choose. For instance, a romantic getaway to Paris can range from $3,000 to $10,000-plus. At the lower end, they could enjoy a seven-day honeymoon in a three- or four-star hotel, participate in walking tours, and have reasonable dining options. On the other hand, opting for luxury experiences in Paris would mean spending $10,000 or more, including VIP tours and upscale dining.

Other options, such as an African safari or a Caribbean cruise, offer similar cost variations based on the chosen level of comfort and activities. African safaris, for example, can vary from rustic lodging and camping to high-end private reserves with luxurious amenities.

Breaking down the total honeymoon cost, the couple can expect accommodations to consume the largest portion (45% to 60%) of the budget, followed by transportation (20% to 25%), activities (5% to 15%), and food and drink (7% to 10%). However, they should also leave room for additional expenses like public transportation, entrance fees, shopping for souvenirs, and currency exchange.

It’s essential to bear in mind that a honeymoon differs from regular vacation travel in several ways. Honeymoons tend to be longer as employers often grant more time off for this special occasion, and couples may want to make the most of their child-free travels before starting a family. Additionally, honeymooners often splurge on bucket-list destinations, romantic excursions, and luxurious accommodations, emphasizing experiences like fine dining and spa visits.

Considering all these factors in advance will help the couple plan a dream honeymoon without encountering any unexpected financial surprises.

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